Whoever saves a single life is as if one saves the entire world.

– From the Talmud, Book of Jewish Law

Learning About the Past to Understand the Present

The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) offers a nationally recognized Holocaust teacher education program for middle and high school teachers. The JFR seeks to create a community of learners versed in the historiography of the Holocaust with a foregrounding in historical and contemporary antisemitism.

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Stories of Moral Courage

The JFR is pleased to offer more than 175 stories of moral courage. Learn about men and women, Christians and Muslims, who risked their lives and often the lives of their families to save Jews during the Holocaust.  

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How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™

We are pleased to announce our new online program, How Was it Possible? A Holocaust Curriculum For and By Teachers™. The program provides middle and high school teachers and their students with a comprehensive Holocaust unit of study.

Passing of Marian Turski

The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous mourns the passing of Marian Turski, a cherished friend and steadfast supporter.

Purim eCards

JFR Purim eCards are now available. For a minimum donation of $18, you can send the eCard to up to 15 recipients.
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Village of Angels

Learn about some of the heroic people who chose to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust.


Discover the courage of Righteous Gentiles and the Jews they saved through our award-winning films

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Help us keep history alive.

The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous has honored the legacy of Righteous Gentiles for over 35 years through financial support and educational programs.

We count on your tax deductible donations to continue our work.
