The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) was established in 1986 to repay a debt of gratitude to those non-Jews who risked their lives and often the lives of their families to save Jews during the Holocaust. Righteous Gentiles, as they are known, were in every country occupied by the Germans.
The number of rescuers receiving monthly financial support from the Foundation grew over the years to a high of 1,850 in 2003. Rescuers receive awards three times during the year. The calculation of the award is based on a monthly stipend, with each award covering a period of four months. Rescuers use the funds to cover the costs of food, home heating fuel, medical care, medication, and to meet emergency needs. The JFR also awards a small grant, upon request, to help defray funeral expenses.
Each December, the Foundation provides a special grant for the purchase of food during the Christmas holiday season to all rescuers.The Christmas award in December 2024 was $3,900. The Christmas award is in addition to the rescuer’s regular JFR award. The Foundation remains committed to supporting these rescuers throughout the remainder of their lives.
Over the past thirty-two years, the Foundation has awarded more than $45 million to these aging heroes. The JFR currently provides monthly financial assistance to aged and needy rescuers living in the countries listed below. While there are rescuers living in the Russian Federation, due to bank sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the JFR is unable to send funds to these rescuers.