The JFR Blog

Educating in NYC: 2011 One-Day teacher education seminar
Stanlee Stahl
On Tuesday, January 18, 2011 the JFR hosted its annual One-day teacher seminar on the Holocaust at the Union for Reform Judaism in New York City.
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Studying with Scholars: The 2011 Advanced Seminar
Stanlee Stahl
Over the course of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, 23 educators, a JFR board member and the JFR Education Department met for the 2011 Advanced Seminar at the Newark Airport Hilton, where we studied, learned and discussed this year's theme "Youth and the Third Reich" with five outstanding scholars. Each scholar presented a sub-topic of this theme in great depth and helped participants come away with a profound understanding of the subject.
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Working with NYC teachers
Stanlee Stahl
Each year the JFR offers a one-day seminar on the Holocaust for New York City metro area high school English and social studies teachers.
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Wishing our rescuers a Happy New Year
Stanlee Stahl
Every year we wish our rescuers best wishes for the new year by sending holiday cards with a picture of our staff from the annual dinner. This year our cards went out to over 900 rescuers in 24 countries.
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Speaking in Cincinnati
Stanlee Stahl
Last week I visited one of our newest Holocaust Centers of Excellence: The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education in Cincinnati, Ohio. During my three-day visit I traveled around the region, speaking at the center, visiting with groups of students from the middle school through college level, and speaking to educators and community leaders.
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Lighting the Hanukkah Candles
Stanlee Stahl
It is our tradition at the JFR to light candles during Hanukkah. Last night we lit our menorah, a gift from Board Chairman Harvey Schulweis, to celebrate the final night of Hanukkah. Although we have a mixed staff of different backgrounds and beliefs, we all came together to share in this special ritual.
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