Recommended Reading

A Hero of Our Own: The Story of Varian Fry
Isenberg, Sheila
This is a biography of Varian Fry, the first American recognized by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations. While on a secret mission in Marseilles, Fry helped 1,500 European writers, painters, and scientists, many of them Jews, escape from Southern France into Spain.
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Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews & Ordinary Germans
Johnson, Eric N.
Nazi Terror tackles a central aspect of the Nazi dictatorship — terror. The Nazis did not rule by terror, and terror rarely touched the lives of most ordinary Germans. The terror apparatus of Nazi Germany employed a selective terror that concentrated almost exclusively on Jews and other specifically targeted enemies of the Nazi regime.
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Collect and Record!: Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe
Jockusch, Laura
This book tells the story of Jewish survivors who pioneered Holocaust research in the immediate aftermath of World War II.
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Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany
Kaplan, Marion A.
Drawing on the memoirs, diaries, interviews, and letters of Jewish women and men, Kaplan tells the story of Jews in Germany trying to control their everyday lives in a world that was becoming more and more unbalanced.
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Dominican Haven: The Jewish Refugee Settlement in Sousa, 1940-1945
Kaplan, Marion A.
Kaplan explores the lives of Jewish refugees living in the Dominican Republic during World War II.
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Who Will Write Our History?: Rediscovering a Hidden Archive from the Warsaw Ghetto
Kassow, Samuel D.
Tells the story of Polish historian Emanuel Ringelblum, who established a secret organization called the Oyneg Shabes to record the experiences of the Warsaw ghetto's inhabitants. Prior to the liquidation of the ghetto in 1943, the Oyneg Shabes buried documents from their archive in milk cans and tin boxes.
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