Recommended Reading

Schindler's List
Keneally, Thomas
This book details the efforts of Oskar Schindler, a German-Catholic industrialist, who managed to save more than 1,000 Jewish men, women, and children from certain death.
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Courage Was My Only Option: The Autobiography of Roman Kent
Kent, Roman
Roman Kent's autobiography is more than a memoir. In addition to telling the story of his life in the Łodz Ghetto and Auschwitz, Kent — treasurer of the Claims Conference — describes the efforts of survivors to achieve justice in the post-Holocaust years.
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Hitler: 1889 - 1936 Hubris
Kershaw, Ian
From his birth in a small Austrian village to his fiery death in a bunker under the Reich chancellery in Berlin, Adolf Hitler left a murky trail, strewn with contradictory tales and overgrown self-created myths. One truth prevails: the sheer scale of the evils that he unleashed on the world has made him a demonic figure without equal in the twentieth century.
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The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1944-1945
Kershaw, Ian
Ian Kershaw examines a core of die-hard fanatics, an obedient and still functioning state structure, and a compliant public that did nothing to interfere with the dying regime's final murderous acts.
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Kertész, Imre
A novel about fourteen-year-old Gyorgy Koves' experience being deported from his home in Budapest to Auschwitz.
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The Pathseeker
Kertész, Imre
A novel about "the commissioner's" trip to a nondescript town in a middle-European country, which turns into an ominous journey.
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