Recommended Reading

Governments-In-Exile and the Jews during the Second World War
Lanicek, Jan and Jordan, James
An in depth look at the 'Jewish policy' of governments-in-exile that were created during WWII.
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Nazi Games: The Olympics of 1936
Large, David Clay
Large discusses the Olympics in historical context and exposes the propaganda and politics behind the 1936 games.
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In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Larson, Erik
Larson charts the daily experiences of US Ambassador William Dodd in Berlin from 1933 to 1937.
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The Family
Laskin, David
The true story of one family though the 20th Century.
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Buried by the Times: The Holocaust and America’s Most Important Newspaper
Leff, Laurel
Leff explores why The New York Times failed to inform its readers about the genocide of European Jewry as it was taking place.
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Hunting Down the Jews: Vichy, the Nazis and Mafia Collaborators in Provence, 1942-1944
Levendel, Isaac and Bernard Weisz
Explores how the Nazi and Vichy regimes made use of freelance Jew hunters to track down and round up Jews in Southern France.
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