Recommended Reading

Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers
Müller, Filip
Filip Müller came to Auschwitz with one of the earliest transports from Slovakia in April 1942 and began working in the gassing installations and crematoria in May. He was still alive when the gassings ceased in November 1944. He saw multitudes come and disappear; by sheer luck he survived. Muller is neither a historian nor a psychologist; he is a source — one of the few prisoners who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell about it.
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The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses
Norwood, Stephen H.
In this book Norwood explores the ways in which America's academic elite displayed their complicity in Nazi Germany's efforts to improve its image in the United States during the 1930s.
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The Path of the Righteous: Gentile Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust
Paldiel, Mordecai
Paldiel recounts the stories of several hundred Righteous Gentiles in virtually all the countries of Nazi-occupied Europe who put themselves and their families at risk in order to save the lives of Jews fleeing the Nazi terror.
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Saving the Jews
Paldiel, Mordecai
Paldiel describes how a handful of righteous persons around the world worked mostly alone to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust while putting their own lives at risk.
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Sheltering the Jews: Stories of Holocaust Rescuers
Paldiel, Mordecai
Paldiel highlights the role of non-Jews in extending aid and assistance to Jews inside Nazi-occupied Europe. Taken from the testimonies and files housed at Yad Vashem, Paldiel presents dozens of stories of rescue.
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Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War
Phayer, Michael
Phayer analyzes Pope Pius XII's actions during World War II and the post-war period in relation to the Pope's fear of communism.
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