Recommended Reading

The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery
Pilecki, Witold
In 1940, Witold Pilecki volunteered to be arrested by the Germans and to report from inside Auschwitz concentration camp in order to inform the Polish Underground.
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The Boy: A Holocaust Story
Porat, Dan
Porat's book investigates and tells the story of one of the most well-recognized images of the Holocaust.
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Kasztner's Train: The True Story of an Unknown Hero of the Holocaust
Porter, Anna
Anna Porter seeks to rehabilitate the reputation of Rezso Kasztner, a Hungarian Jew who was branded a Nazi collaborator during the 1950s, but more recently has been exonerated by Israel's Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem.
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Country of Ash: A Jewish Doctor in Poland, 1939-1945
Reicher, Edward
Country of Ash chronicles a Jewish doctor who survived the Lodz and Warsaw ghettoes, managed to escape to the Aryan side of Warsaw, where he hid under numerous disguises.
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Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust
Rittner, Carol; Roth, John
Neither before, during, nor after the Holocaust have women been silent about the experiences that left them forever marked by the "Final Solution." Here are 28 selections brought together to intensify an awareness of the depths of the Holocaust's tragedy.
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The End of the Holocaust
Rosenfeld, Alvin
Explores how the proliferation of materials (books, films, memorials, commemorations, etc.) related to the Holocaust has resulted in a diminution of its meaning. Warns about the possible consequences of "the end of the Holocaust" in public consciousness.
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