Recommended Reading

Holocaust Literature: A History and Guide
Roskies, David G.; Diamant, Naomi
Roskies and Diamant surveyed Holocaust literature discussing its evolution through all genres and languages. The result is a comprehensive list of Holocaust literature demonstrating the range of writings after the war.
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The Forger: An Extrordinary Story of Survival in Wartime Berlin
Schonhaus, Cioma
In this memoir, Schonhaus relives his life on the run in wartime Berlin. He forged life-saving passes and papers for those fleeing Nazi oppression. Although a Jew himself, Schonhaus would enjoy Berlin when he was not forging papers.
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Conscience: The Duty to Obey and the Duty to Disobey
Schulweis, Rabbi Harold
Rabbi Schulweis challenges readers to use their conscience to examine their obedience and disobedience in relation to moral matters.
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The Long Voyage
Semprun, Jorge
An autobiographical narrative of Semprun's experience being transported in a cattle car to Buchenwald.
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Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin
Snyder, Timothy
Examines the mass killings perpetrated by the Nazi and Stalinist regimes in the 1930s and 1940s.
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Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer
Stangneth, Bettina
Stangneth showes that Adolf Eichmann was “clearly someone who was out to ‘create’ a verdict rather than reach one.”
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