Recommended Reading

When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland
Tec, Nechama
Tec attempts to describe those men and women who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. The author examines sociological patterns, class relations, religious similarities as well as other factors.
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Witnessing Witnessing: On the Reception of Holocaust Survivor Testimony
Trezise, Thomas
Witnessing Witnessing explores how we receive and use Holocaust testimony.
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Code Name: Zegota
Tomaszewski, Irene; Werbowski, Tecia
The story of extraordinary heroism amidst unique depravity. A valuable addition to our understanding of the many facets of the Holocaust.
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Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation
Trunk, Isaiah
Trunk examines the role of the Judenrat, or Jewish Councils, in the ghettos. While Jews were forced to live in ghettos during the Holocaust, Nazis appointed Jews living in these ghettos to carry out Nazi directives against other Jews, to supply forced labor, and eventually to cooperate in the Final Solution.
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At the Edge of the Abyss: A Concentration Camp Diary, 1943-1944
van Pelt, Robert Jan (Editor); Koker, David (Author); Horn, Michiel (Translator); Irons, John (Translator)
This work is the diary David Koker, a 21-year-old Dutch Jew, kept during his time in the Vught concentration camp. The diary charts his daily life in the camp as well as his spiritual evolution as a writer.
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The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial
van Pelt, Robert Jan
This book is based on the testimony given by van Pelt, a cultural historian, at the libel trial initiated by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt. Professor van Pelt provided exhaustive evidence that the gas chambers in Auschwitz were built and operated to kill hundreds of thousands of Jews and refuted arguments of Holocaust deniers to the contrary.
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