Recommended Reading

The Order of the Day
Vuillard, Eric, translated by Mark Polizzotti
A meditation on Austria’s capitulation to the Nazis. The book won the 2017 Prix Goncourt.
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The Sisters of Auschwitz
van Iperen, Roxanne
“How 2 Jewish Sisters Built a Cultural Oasis During World War II”
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Into the For­est: A Holo­caust Sto­ry of Sur­vival, Tri­umph, and Love
Frankel, Rebecca
Rebec­ca Frankel’s Into the For­est: A Holo­caust Sto­ry of Sur­vival, Tri­umph, and Love helps read­ers grap­ple with the incom­pre­hen­si­bil­i­ty of the Shoah by telling the sur­vival sto­ry of one fam­i­ly: Miri­am, Mor­ris, Tania, and Rochel Rabi­nowitz, who escaped from the Zhetel ghet­to into the Białowieża For­est, where they hid for over two years. Read­ers will find that Into the For­est is metic­u­lous­ly researched and beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten; weav­ing his­tor­i­cal facts with first-hand accounts, Frankel employs an almost nov­el­is­tic style that makes for a tru­ly com­pelling read.
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People Love Dead Jews: Reports From a Haunted Present
Horn, Dara
Horn’s main insight is that much of the way we’ve developed to remember and narrate Jewish history is, at best, self-deception and, at worst, rubbish. The 12 essays in her brilliant book explore how the different ways we commemorate Jewish tragedy, how we write about the Holocaust, how the media presents antisemitic events, how we establish museums to honor Jewish heritage, how we read literature with Jewish protagonists and even how we praise the “righteous among the nations” (those who saved Jews during the war), are all distractions from the main issue, which is the very concrete, specific death of Jews.
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