Recommended Reading

The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest's Journey to Uncover the Truth behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews
Desbois, Father Patrick
Father Desbois chronicles his search for the mass graves of Ukrainian Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
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Writing the Holocaust
Dreyfuss, Jean-Marc and Daniel Langton
Provides an overview of the key themes and theoretical developments that inform the nature of historical writing on the Holocaust.
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The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps
Des Pres, Terence
De Pres studies the lives of Holocaust survivors to understand the conditions and spirit that enabled some to survive.
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Jacob's Rescue: A Holocaust Story
Drucker, Malka; Helperin, Michael
This is the story of Jacob, a Jewish boy in Poland who moves in with a Christian family in 1941 after the Jews of Warsaw are forced to relocate from their homes into the newly established ghetto. Jacob must pretend he is their son, pass as a Christian and keep from getting caught.
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A Boy in Terezin: The Private Diary of Pavel Weiner, April 1944-April 1945
Dwork, Debórah (Introduction and Notes); Weiner, Pavel (Author, Translator); Weiner, Karen (Editor)
Covers a year of the life of Pavel Weiner, a Czech Jewish boy, in the Theresienstadt transit camp in Terezin.
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Children with a Star: Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe
Dwork, Debórah
Dwork details the history of children who were affected by the Holocaust. Dwork bases her studies on oral histories, archival records, and letters and diaries of children who were in hiding, in transit camps, ghettos, forced labor camps, or killing centers.
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