Recommended Reading

A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust
Fulbrook, Mary
A Small Town Near Auschwitz examines the life and role of Udo Klausa, a local Nazi, during the Holocaust. Fulbrook's work attempts to answer the question how those citizens only 25 miles away from Auschwitz claim they did not know what happened during the Holocaust.
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The Double Binds of Ethics after the Holocaust: Salvaging the Fragments
Geddes, Jennifer L., ed.
The Double Binds examines the impact of the Holocaust on ethical values, and attempts to measure the repercussions of that impact on mankind's confidence in morality.
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Anne Frank Remembered
Gies, Miep
Gies recalls how she, her husband and several of their coworkers sheltered her boss, Otto Frank, his family, and several other Jews in a secret annex of their Amsterdam office building during World War II.
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Atlas of the Holocaust
Gilbert, Martin
Beginning with isolated incidents of prewar violence and expanding in scope with the Third Reich's rise to power, this book is a geographic exploration of the Holocaust. It includes maps and diagrams of expulsions, forced marches, mass executions, and concentration camps.
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The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War
Gilbert, Martin
The author uses oral histories as well as over 30 illustrations to present this period in history.
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The Train Journey: Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing the Holocaust (Studies on War and Genocides)
Gigliotti, Simone
Gigliotti examines the role of the train during the Holocaust as a means of transportation and devastation in its own right.
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